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Have an emergency?

Concerned patient discussing her tooth pain with her dentist while sitting in a dental chair at Jillian Prather Family Dentistry in Owasso, OKFacing dental emergencies can be a distressing and excruciating experience.

When dental emergencies occur, it is essential to maintain focus and composure, acting swiftly.

Dental emergencies typically arise suddenly and can be quite severe, necessitating immediate dental attention.

The sooner you seek assistance for your dental emergency the better your chances of receiving timely treatment and alleviating your pain. Furthermore, seeking prompt care can reduce the likelihood of the condition or injury worsening and requiring more invasive procedures.

At Jillian Prather Family Dentistry in Owasso, our dentistry team is prepared to assist when you are in pain.

Types of Dental Emergencies

We address various issues that demand emergency dental care.

These include repairing damaged or fractured teeth, replacing a knocked-out tooth, and treating an infection or abscess.

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

It is important to know what to do if you experience a dental emergency, to protect and save your tooth.

Damaged or Fractured Teeth

If your tooth is chipped or cracked, it becomes vulnerable to infection and decay.

Visiting us for repairs can help protect the tooth from bacteria and prevent the need for tooth extraction in the future.

Avulsed Tooth (Knocked-Out Tooth)

In the event of a knocked-out tooth, time is of the essence to save it.

It is crucial to reach our dentist within an hour for the best chance of reinserting the tooth into the socket successfully.

Avoid touching the tooth by its root and keep it moist, either in your mouth or in a container with milk. Contact our office immediately to consult with our emergency dentist.

Severe Toothache

Persistent and severe tooth pain may indicate an underlying issue that requires immediate attention. Our dentist can identify the cause and provide rapid relief.

While you prepare to visit us, applying a cold compress can help alleviate the pain.

Tooth Abscess

Pockets of pus forming at the tip of a tooth's root due to infection can be intensely painful.

An abscess is undoubtedly a dental emergency.

Neglecting it can lead to the infection spreading to the jaw or entering the bloodstream, posing a risk to other organs like the heart and brain. If you have an abscessed gum or tooth, seek emergency care without delay.

Soft Tissue Injuries

For injuries involving cuts in the gums or other soft tissues inside the mouth, such as lacerated cheeks and lips, you can turn to our dentist for treatment.

Soft tissue injuries like cuts and punctures can be painful and carry the risk of infection. These injuries can occur due to accidental biting of the lip, a mishap with dental floss or a toothbrush, or a sharp tooth edge causing a cut.

When Do I Need to Go to the Hospital?

For more serious facial trauma unrelated to teeth, such as a broken jaw or torn skin, it is advisable to head to an emergency room instead of our dental clinic. A broken jaw can cause severe pain and disrupt mouth or bite function.

Contact us at (918) 401-9933 or visit Jillian Prather Family Dentistry to consult with us for all of your dental emergencies.
12814 E 101st Pl N Suite 102, Owasso, OK 74055
(918) 401-9933
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Have an emergency Owasso | Jillian Prather Family Dentistry
Receive prompt and compassionate emergency dental care from our emergency dentists in Owasso, OK. Don't wait – call or visit today for immediate assistance!
Jillian Prather Family Dentistry, 12814 E 101st Pl N, Suite #102, Owasso, OK 74055-4662 • (918) 401-9933 • • 1/13/2025 • Associated Words: dentist Owasso OK •